Meet our
Board of Experts
Dr. Ethan Basch
- Membre et directeur de l’UNC Linberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Professeur du service médecine, hématologie et oncologie à UNC-Chapel Hill

Dr. Gita Mody
- Director of Thoracic Surgical Oncology
- Assistant Professor of Surgery

Dr. Alain Livartowski
- Département d’oncologie, Institut Curie
- Responsable, projets eSanté

Clinical studies
Moovcare® has undergone six years of rigorous development and clinical validation, culminating in CE certification as a Class I medical device.
Final results from phase III multicentric prospective randomized trial, presented at ASCO 2018, show an improvement in overall survival of 7.6 months and QOL To read about the trial results, published in JAMA, January 2019.

Impact of Digital Patient Monitoring

Overall Survival
Studies show increased overall survival with patient-reported symptom monitoring compared to usual care.
A randomised controlled trail with 766 metastatic cancer patients shows that digital symptom monitoring during chemotherapy helps patients live longer (5.2 months longer median overall survival), improves quality of life (31% of patients), and reduces hospitalisation (4%) and ER visits (7%). (Basch&al. 2016-2017).
Basch E, Deal AM, Dueck AC, Scher HI, Kris MG, Hudis C, Schrag D. Overall Survival Results of a Trial Assessing Patient-Reported Outcomes for Symptom Monitoring During Routine Cancer Treatment. JAMA. 2017 Jul 11; 318(2): 197–198.
Patients’ quality of life after 6 months

ER visits and hospitalization at one year mark

Duration that patients remained in chemotherapy

Moovcare® study timeline