Terms and Conditions
SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd: registered in ISRAEL, under number 51-509695-6
Registered office:
Hatidhar 15, Raanana – ISRAEL
Publication manager:
Mr. Daniel ISRAEL, President of SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd
Email address: contact@sivan-innovation.com
Phone number: +33 9 72 66 22 11
Website host:
Hadar St. 2, Herzliya
Designer & Webmaster: Pearl Design Company - https://www.webnoise.co.il/
www.sivan-innovation.com, www.moovcare.com & www.smokecheck.fr
are all the websites of SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd company, registered in ISRAEL, under number 51-509695-6 and whose head office is located at Hatidhar 15, Raanana – ISRAEL.
The purpose of all sites is to provide general information about SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd, its products, and its services. The general structure, as well as the software, text, animated or still images, technology, expertise, and all other constituent elements of all websites are the exclusive property of SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd and of its sister companies. Copying or reproducing these websites, in full or in part, by any means whatsoever without the express permission of SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd is prohibited and will constitute an infringement.
The brands of SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd as well as the logos featured on the website are trademarks registered with the World Intellectual Property Organization and are the exclusively property of SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd and of its sister companies. Any full or partial reproduction of these brands or logos made without the express permission of SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd is prohibited and any pirate publisher shall be liable to pay damages and interest.
SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd does not guarantee the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information published on these sites and does not assume any liability in this respect. In particular, it reserves the right to modify or suppress the content on this site without any prior notice.
SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness of the website's information and elements with the professional or personal needs of users.
SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd shall not, in any circumstance, be liable for any direct, indirect, material, or consequential damage of any kind whatsoever, linked to the use, even partial, of information contained on this site.
SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd has no control over the content of hypertext-linked third-party sites and shall not, in any circumstance, be held liable in this respect.
While navigating the site, the user may disclose personal data. This information may be used by SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd in order to answer queries which may have been made about our company, products, and services.
The user has a permanent right of access, rectification, and deletion of data concerning personal information about them by means of a written request made to the SIVAN INNOVATION Ltd company – Hatidhar 15, Raanana - ISRAEL.
MOOVCAREⓇ Lung v3.6 can be used on internet browsers from the following versions (ensuring SSL compatibility): Chrome 89, Firefox 87, Internet Explorer 11, Safari 14 and provided that the browsers are used on the following operating systems from versions: Android 10; Windows 7; iOS 13; OS X 10.15.